By the way, misogynistic audience? You do realise that teenage pregnancy is NOT a new thing?
Posted by LydiaTeapot in Uncategorized, tags: abortion, education, sexism, women's rightsIt makes me grit my teeth every time I see one of the variations of these groups on facebook about “When i was your age, I was <insert something about Pokemon here> not <insert something about getting pregnant here>
First and foremost, as pointed out by Sarah, if you’re at the age where you had Pokemon in your childhood, you’re not fucking old enough to preach anything to anyone about “When I was your age”. “When I was your age is reserved for when you’re an actual established adult. (which is debatable if you’re over 18 and still joining facebook fan pages dedicated to laying hate on an opressed group)

I don't remember him being branded a 'slut'. I DO remember the girl being SLAUGHTERED by the media, while the wee guy was branded a 'victim' and pitied.
Where’s all the hate-filled groups about teenage dads? It takes two to fucking tango, and do you not think it’s enough punishment to have to squeeze a screaming brat out of your fanny and then take care of it for 16 years without your pretentious bastard scrutiny and mockery? Most girls who end up pregnant as teenagers end up with the entire burden as the guy goes off to live his life. I think losing your opportunities, hopes, dreams and freedom is a big enough punishment from the patriarchal had of society without a generation of deely-bopper snooty CHILDREN trying to look down on them.
It’s a total ploy to make non-pregnant FAILED teenagers feel better about themselves.
Working Class has a high concentration of teenage pregnancies because shitty state schools do NOT offer adequate sex education (And for Catholic Schools, none at all). Young girls AND BOYS aren’t taught responsibility and the repercussions of having unprotected sex. This is not their fault. The only people who would see teenage pregnancy as the mother’s fault would be those so uneducated themselves, that they fail to see what wrong has been done to the young woman.
Young women in working class areas are vulnerable and in a bad position to begin with. This is due to the Capitalist way of Britain (And most of the world). You have insanely rich people, who have access to the right kind of education and amenities (and yes, I’m saying birth control is an AMENITY) to avoid that kind of situation, and SHOULD a well off woman get pregnant, she will NOT have to struggle along for the next 16-18 years. She’ll be well looked after and have all the supplies she needs.
People WILL get pregnant during their teenage years. It’s a fact. It’s always been happening. It’s not some new epidemic, it only seems that way to teenagers now because it’s around them and they were too young to notice before. Plus, remember when you were wee, and teenagers of like 14 were basically big adults to you? Well, yes, if they got pregnant, in your tiny mind, it was okay back then.
Now, you see everything in a different light, and it’s all “She’s such a <insert misogynistic term here> cause she’s pregnant,”. Well, it could have easily happened to anyone. People forget birth control it sometimes fails or any other kind of unfortunate circumstance. What I’m saying is, shut your fucking mouth until you know the reasons behind teenage pregnancy.
People use misogyny as the nice, acceptable fascism to scapegoat on people. Racism is less acceptable now and they’re young people themselves. Women are the only way out. they’re getting all our housing cause they’ve got kids, they use all the benefits.
Naw mate. Go up the town and have a wee look at the bank buildings. RBS? Lloyds TSB? Aye, THAT’S where all your fucking (not well earnt cause you’ve never been taxed in your fucking life) tax money went. Fucking benefits, don’t kid yourself. If benefits were that high, we wouldn’t be in this position, but you wouldn’t really know because all you listen to is The fucking Daily Mail and old people going on about shit they don’t know anything about.
Do yer fucking research mate.
Get it up yeese. (Excuse the pun.)
Interesting fact: you the younger you are when you are, the more likely you are to become pregnant.
After puberty, your vaginal fluids become a lot more acidic, therefore making a more hostile environment for sperm.
Teenage girls who fall pregnant aren’t stupid or slutty – they’re medically, factually, more at risk of pregnancy.
Which is why sex education needs to be a lot better than it is, and contraception needs to be freely and easily available – AND those young women who do become pregnant should be supported every step of the way, whether they choose to continue the pregnancy or not.
For the vast majority of the time human beings have existed, most parents would have been teenage parents. As Wise Woman’s comment makes clear, it’s how our bodies evolved.
Obviously now things are very different than the conditions under which our bodies evolved, and we live much longer than we would do under ‘natural’ conditions. Pregnancy can and always should be now a conscious choice. But the fact that teenage pregnancy is seen as such a huge problem now is to do with the way our society is structured, and the fact that it’s very difficult to sustain a family in a capitalist society on the income of the average young person. There’s nothing biologically terrible about it, it’s a social problem, and it points to the fact that we need to change our society so that all parents get much more social support. Indeed, in much older socieites where people did have children younger, you would have the whole support of your social group, and child raising would have been a much more socialised activity than it is now through larger extended families, as opposed to today where it’s largely seen as the biological mother’s responsibility.
In other words, as usual, a society that’s unable to face up to its own failings likes to blame individuals for social problems, just like drugs, obesity, etc. etc.
Thanks for the contribution, both Jack and Wise Woman.
I’d like to also point out that i detest the use of the word “Slut” and all of it’s variants. Since when is it anyone else’s business what happens in a person’s sex life anyway?
I am a bonafide adult (but not a grown up) and when I was your age …………. I was very like you!!! and all young people, we didn’t have pokemon in my days it was still pac man and maybe tetris for really fancy people, that’s my creditials.
The research shows that teenage mothers are less anxious and very good mothers the issue is poverty, access to education, 70% of teenage mothers have been abused by the baby’s father and the gap between following pregnancies that exasperates further poverty and lack of access to education and domestic abuse. Solution would be to not have any mothers living in poverty, making education accessable and not feck up people’s benefits, deal with domestic abuse – problem solved.
Young women have been having babies for millenia – leave them alone and stop judging them! We are evolved to produce young. If you want to mither in their lives give them economic power and support.
Btw, just heard that the ConDems plan to start means testing child benefit, which is the only universal cash benefit left. This will really hit young parents hard – we need to start looking at getting a campaign going to save it.
There is another aspect to the doommongering about teenage pregnancy. It is always aimed at condeming those under sixteen, forgetting that 16,17,18, and 19 year olds are also teenagers.