Wee Lydia Tee Oan “Ahm Pure Shitein Mahsel Here,”
Posted by LydiaTeapot in Uncategorized, tags: elections, glasgow, protest, ToriesAwrite mah we muckers, It’s Wee Lydia Teapot here again mate.
Joost wahnteed tae droap in a wee message tae say that ahm fucken SHITTIN mahself aboot this Prime Minister buisness. Ah ken thit the Tories goat the maist seats but no a majority. Whit dis that mean? A hung Parliament? (Aye, ah’d like tae see thum aw hung tae be honest) ur an over rule by David “Thatcher” Cameron? Ah’d rather be kneecapped tae be honest.
Listen mah wee chumpos, A’ve goat a plan though. T’night wur gaunny rally against these wankers. Independence the fucken noo. You should dae it tae. Get yur clogs oan and dae whit ye need tae dae tae send oot the message thit you’re no an idiot ‘n’ thit ye wahnt yer fucken freedom fae the Tory mob.
Perty it George Sqr th’night anaw. See ye there mah wee muckers. (If ah’ve no shat mah brains oot in fear that is)
Over ‘n’ oot mah wee muckers.

Ahm hinkin' sumthin lit this...
Some Facebook groups regardin’ events thit ur gaun oan:
Peaceful Demo
Riot, mate
A wee Perty
Any you go tae, joost make the message clear, buds.
Is this a call to arms? Will there be a proclamation of the independent Scottish Republic and an insurrectionary takeover of Glasgow City Chambers? Have youse informed Sky, BBC etc? Best of luck ma wee chumpos. Saorsa a nis.
Hey doll there’s no title on this post! N put a link to the facebook group pleeeease
Always happy to see the return of Lydia Teapot
There WAS a title, not sure what happened to it!
It’s there now though.
Top quality! Can’t wait to get out tonight.
“Is this a call to arms? Will there be a proclamation of the independent Scottish Republic and an insurrectionary takeover of Glasgow City Chambers? Have youse informed Sky, BBC etc? Best of luck ma wee chumpos. Saorsa a nis.”
Yes. They’ll find out soon enough when we take over their studios and send everyone except the makers of Dr Who to prison. The city chambers is getting turned into a 24 hour club. Freedom now, swimming lessons for all!
The facebook event has been cancelled by THE MAN! But it is still on, still head to George Square for 6pm!!
I tried to warn you all about the Facenazis!
Well how did it go? Was the Square packed but nice and peaceful?
Shut the fuck up, I bet you’ve never done a day’s fucking action in your life. I’m not in the mood to have you talking pish right now you pathetic old man
Touched a raw nerve. Aye, im the archetypal armchair activist me. Im only as good as my last game and that was a cracking bit of work. Anyway im glad we have a lot in common on the indepenence and republican front, will no doubt be working with the SSY/P in the near future.
See when young working class people join the struggle for independence and socialism, do you think the best way to advance it is to abuse them? Cos I don’t really understand how it takes us forward.
Its just working class banter, she certainly doesnt hold back on the f word abuse. Im shocked at the degree of industrial proletarian language my sensitive nature is bruised.
Anyway i was hoping for a report on tonights action?
A bit off topic- i presume you know the SDL are demonstrating in Kilmarnock on Saturday 19th of June?
fianna what’s your source for that?
PULSE, EDL Forum and SDL Forum.
hmm couldn’t see any reference on the main EDL boards? link?
Its in the SDL subsection of the EDL Forum also on Protestant Unionist Loyalist Social Education PULSE Forum and interestingly there is a ABOD Parade nearby that day that they hope will beef up their numbers.
SDL are going to take their crusade to places where the left will struggle to mobilise and where the loyalist working class sentiment is strong. No surprise that they, like other fash before them in Scotland know that to grow they need to tap into anti-Irish racism/sectarianism. Can the left counter this SDL turn?
I too have been checking the EDL boards and couldn’t see any reference, even when you search ‘kilmarnock’ (yeah edl we can see you, so fuck)
If they do have something then I will be raging because that is an important day for SSY
You do know the EDL have a new forum only for trusted supporters like me dont you? Kilmarnock was mooted before cos of the mosque being developed there now they are going to do it on the 19th June.
http://www.englishdefenceleague.org forum?
if it’s that difficult for people to find out about it looks like we might have another lockerbie on our hands.. 5 of them slipping in for an evening with no one noticing
Id say they have a core of around twenty and another less stable crew of around 60- off the usual football mobs and loyalists.