Willie Walsh demands right to control life and death
Posted by Sarah in Uncategorized, tags: environment, knobheads, unions, workers' rights
A scene from one of Willie Walsh's nightmares
In yet another example of rich people thinking that what is best for their wallet is best for everyone, British Airways boss Willie Walsh has today criticised the government for daring to cost his airline some money by not letting him fly through VOLCANIC FUCKING ASH. Members of the International Airline Association, i.e. a lot of very rich men who are out to get absolutely every penny of your money while you are hurtling through the air in a metal box and are completely reliant on them for your safety, condemned European governments across the board for not letting them fly when it’s not actually safe to do so. This quote from BBC news says it all:
BA chief executive Willie Walsh – who flew aboard a BA 747 on a test flight through parts of the restricted zone on Sunday – said the airline deemed the risk to be “minimal”.
He is the latest airline boss to speak out against the flight bans imposed across Europe.
Mr Walsh is demanding the authorities lift the flight ban and allow the airlines themselves to judge when it’s safe to fly.
So some planes have flown through some parts of the air that might be near some volcanic ash, and didn’t crash. That’s great for the poor pilots who were told to fly them, but that doesn’t actually prove anything, Willie. Let’s not forget Willie is a union-busting, money-grabbing arsehole who’s been in the news recently condemning trade unions for daring to function within normal practices.
Who would you trust to be the judge of whether it’s safe or not for you to fly through volcanic ash, which has caused engines to switch off mid-flight in similar situations before – a government meteorologist, or a desperate airline owner who’s losing £20 million a day? Of COURSE the airline owners should not be allowed to judge whether it’s safe to fly or not! That is MADNESS!!!!!!! They are unscrupulous bastards who don’t care if you die, so long as you buy 200 fags off their underpaid air stewards before you burst into flames. Don’t listen to what idiots like Willie Walsh have to say – if you need to fly, wait until people who actually know what they’re talking about tell you it’s safe to do so.
Here is a list of ways in which volcanic ash is most definitely dangerous to aeroplanes. Anyone saying that it’s not dangerous, well they’re probably about as intelligent as Richard Littlejohn.
It’s health and safety gone mad!
Wait, actually, I’m in favour of being healthy and safe. Fuck you, Willie Wanker!
I was thinking the exact same thing this morning… lets just put all the airline bosses on one of their flights and direct it over Iceland… a couple of circuits should do the trick. One of them would have to fly it as well though…