One bit you might have missed in the leaders’ debate the other night: David Cameron’s justification for why he thinks the UK should retain the capacity to destroy life as we know it by replacing Trident:
Quite what scenario that brings China and the UK into a nuclear war is I’m not sure. Maybe Dave’s got another war to force them to take opium planned again. Or maybe the Tories are committed to a policy of “If we can’t have Hong Kong no one will!!!!”
At least when Labour take us to war the enemy doesn’t really have any WMD they can hit back at the UK with. If you think war with China would be a laugh, maybe you need to check this out Mr. Cameron. While China can easily match the UK when it comes to nukes, they are however the only country to have given a pledge not to use nukes against states that don’t have any (meaning we’d be SAFER if we scrapped Trident) and also have a “no first use” rule when it comes to using nuclear weapons.
We can’t be certain what the future holds for China, but I can be pretty certain there will be ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING, not even the kidnapping of Jack Bauer, that would ever justify nuking the most populous nation on Earth. Come on people, are we really going to let the end of the world be a vote winner?

You want a war with these guys? Really?