This blog is creative commons. UNLESS YOU’RE A FUCKING TORY
Posted by Jack in Uncategorized, tags: Lib Dems, Tories
"So, have you seen this, have you noticed this, apparently the leader of the Lib Dems has the same name as a horsefly! What's up with that?"
This blog is all in favour of copying. We’ve stood up for the rights of internet filesharers, and we frequently steal pictures off google image search ourselves.
But sometimes copying goes too far. Today’s Sun exclusively revealed that the leader of the Scottish Tories, Annabel Goldie, is a no good dirty joke thief.
Goldie compared Nick Clegg, leader of the Lib Dems and (as we all know since last week’s leader’s debate) the beautiful and wise saviour of all mankind, with a Cleg, aka a horsefly.
Ho ho, isn’t she witty! Well, considering we beat her to the joke by several days, no, she’s a long way behind Scotland’s main source of satire, Leftfield.
Clearly the Tories know the threat they face from SSY’s blog. In a few short months our ultimate combination of silly jokes with silly pictures made on MS Paint has propelled us to the brink of power. With James Nesbitt poised for a landslide victory in Glasgow Central, and Donald Trump running scared of Ewan Robertson’s provisional government of Aberdeen, the Tories are clearly worried. Terrified that we are about to put all Tories on trial in a revolutionary tribunal on account of them being bastards, they have resorted to stealing our jokes.
In the short term, before we can properly deal with Annabel, we are fully prepared to take her to the highest court of comedy for the lawsuit of the century. It will be a titanic legal battle, but we are confident that a working class jury will recognise our blog as funnier than the most anti-socialist, anti-trade union Tory leader in Scotland. We’ll see you in court Annabel. We’re hiring this guy to represent us: