After a series of so called ‘attack adverts’ focusing on Gordon Brown’s record on unemployment and his alleged ’death tax’, David Cameron today unveiled the Conservative Party’s latest poster campaign, which thankfully for Gordon Brown, opts for an even easier target – the unemployed.
Mr Cameron – who’s so desperate for a job that he’s currently having to travelling all over the country trying to get one  -  made some vague promise about KICKING people off the dole and FORCING them into work schemes in order to get their already meagre benefits or something, otherwise they’ll be SLASHED, you work-shy scum, in some quite clear attempt to appease the rabid hordes of the kind of people who comment on the Daily Mail website. Yeah, send the illegals back too!
Yeah anyway, I’m sure someone somewhere has already done this a million times better somewhere else, but here we are:
3 Responses to “New Tory Poster Unveiled!”
  1. Auld Yin says:

    Brilliant poster Liam.
