Fighting around the world!
Tonight once again you can join SSY for more historic liveblogging!
For the second time, Gordon ‘Tired’ Brown, David ‘The Replicant’ Cameron and Nick ‘Our Sexy Saviour’ Clegg are going head to head over the issues that divide them. Tonight’s theme is international issues, so you can guarantee there’ll be strong disagreements about who supports the war in Afghanistan the most, and who can best follow orders from the White House.
We’re very exciting to hear more about David’s plans for a third world war with China, and not excited to hear Gordon tell us a lot of lies about how much the government has done about climate change. No doubt we’re going to hear a lot of fawning about the wonderfulness of Obama as well.
Overall, let’s not forget that all three parties tonight were in favour of the war in Afghanistan, and want to continue the proud British tradition of foighting round the world, keeping down the huge threats to Britain represented by peasants and children who live on the other side of the planet.
What is exciting is that tonight Leftfield has upgraded our technology, and so will be bringing you all of our opinions, silly jokes and childish observations from each of us individually LIVE. Currently we’ve got me, theworstwitch, LydiaTeapot and Liam the admin, and we may later be joined by Sarah. Each of us will be bringing you our penetrating geopolitical analysis individually, thanks to Liam’s incredible blog cleverness.
So, if you’re quite prepared, stand by for SSY taking down imperialism one knob joke at a time. . .
Give them a slap;
Sorry had to see that when I seen the pic, classic South Park Episode!
Good coverage as well.
“I’m an immigrant and I moved here 13 years ago. However, I now realise that immigration is a problem”. Questioner is a total fuckwit. I will paraphrase: “I am here now, but I am integrating into British culture by becoming a xenophobe now.”
The three wankers compete in a cesspit of xenphobia.
I’d like to see us photoshop a picture of what the three wankers in a cesspit of xenophobia looks like.
i missed the whole debate tonight. but almost feel like i was THERE now. thanks guys, another awesome posting from the SSY blog!
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqis1mkS2CE – the debate in 15 seconds.