Fookn nasty South African racist killed.
Posted by Andy Bowden in Uncategorized, tags: fascism, knobheads, racismSSY has a long and proud record of celebrating when fascists die in embarrassing and or unfortunate circumstances. Whether it’s the sad loss of BNP founder John Tyndall (we coincidentally had a BBQ the day he popped his clogs – remember Tyndall burgers?), Austrian Fuhrer Jorg Haider who killed himself in a car crash after coming back pissed from a gay bar, or of course, Mussolini riddled with bullets hanging upside down in an Italian Garage. So SSY is pleased to announce another addition to that list of human shit, none other than Eugene Terre Blanche.
Eugene Terre Blanche was the leader of the AWB – the Afrikaner Resistance Movement. The AWB is a far-right organisation that was founded in the 70’s because some Afrikaners were so mental they thought pro-Nazi Prime Minister BJ Forster was too liberal. The AWB violently opposed relaxation of even “petty apartheid” rules, like black and white people kissing, marrying, shagging etc.
Even when the chips were obviously down for apartheid, the AWB were trying to organise a civil war and carve out their own all-white Boer state out of a multiracial South Africa, not dissimilar to what the Serbs did in Bosnia. At their height the AWB had the support of roughly 5-7% of South Africa’s white population, a similar % that the BNP get today from the UK population.
The AWB organised violent attacks against Blacks in South Africa as well as those Afrikaner politicians they believed were too liberal; for example, shooting and throwing grenades at Black South Africans during the chaos of the Bophuthatswana coup where their members declared they were on a “kaffir hunting picnic”.
The AWB also turned up armed and provoked violence outside a meeting where President FW Klerk was speaking in the Battle of Ventersdorp. Klerk had enraged a minority of Afrikaners for unbanning the African National Congress and releasing Nelson Mandela. This wasn’t the only violent attempt to stop the dismantling of apartheid – the AWB also stormed the Kempton Park World Trade Centre where negotiations to conduct South Africa’s first free and fair multiracial elections were being conducted.
The AWB’s campaign of violence was unable to stop the inevitable destruction of apartheid however. Despite having a small but armed minority of support among Afrikaners, the White population of South Africa was too small to survive as an indefinite dictatorship over the Black majority population any longer. The AWB’s demand for a white ruled Boer Republic was a fantasy, as there was no contiguous landmass in South Africa that had a white majority. The South African state and economy was dependent on the overwhelming majority of the population, the Black population, having no rights whatsoever, allowing South Africa to construct a slave economy over the backs of the populace.
The Boers themselves were largely made up of the descendants of Dutch colonists who had arrived in the South of Africa over 300 years ago. They fled the British ruled Cape Colony, in what was called the “Great Trek” where they lived a nomadic lifestyle. They called themselves “Voortrekkers” and were similar to the European colonists in North America and Zionist settlers in Palestine in that they saw their role as taking control of “virgin territory” that had been unused, left to waste until a superior race of people could exploit it. Like in North America and Palestine however the Voortrekkers were not alone – this land too had a people.
The Voortrekker’s superior technology allowed them to massacre the indigenous Zulu tribes. At the Battle of Blood River the Voortrekkers were able to slaughter 3000 Zulu Natal warriors. No Voortrekkers died – only 3 of them were lightly wounded. After this defeat of the native population, the Voortrekkers were able to establish several Boer republics, which eventually became the apartheid South African state.
It’s this siege mentality among sections of the White South African population, that has been a part of their history in settling in Africa that the AWB relate to and try to exploit. Since the collapse of apartheid many White South Africans have lost their old privileges in the political and economic systems of South Africa. Many Boers and their farms have also been attacked, and there is fear among the Boers that what happened in Zimbabwe – where White farmers were expelled from their land will happen to them. On the opposite side many Black South Africans have not seen their quality of life increase substantially in democratic South Africa, and whilst losing a lot of their privileges the Afrikaner population is still better off than any other racial group in South Africa.

We don't know if Wikus Van De Merwe did kill Eugene with alien weaponry, but we are prepared to float it as a possibility.
So whilst most of South Africa’s population support the dismantling of apartheid, it is by no means a perfect multiracial rainbow paradise yet. There still remains a minority of Afrikaners who are attracted to the ideas of the AWB. In 2004 a poll was conducted to find out who South Africans thought their greatest countryman was – unsurprisingly, Mandela topped it, but Terre Blanche came in at No 25.
If you want to see more about Eugene, Nick Broomfield has done a series of documentaries about the nutter which are available here.
There’s a remarkable similarity between the socialist Afrikaner Resistance Movement’s flag and your own national socialist youth logo.
Stop trolling or you’ll be banned.
The idiot that wrote this shit article obviously don’t have a clue what he’s talking about. Delete my commet again Scottish boy, just shows the extend of your stupid movement’s stance of freedom of speech. Bunch of jokes you SSY pricks are… Delete it because you can dish out, but can’t stand up like men and take it.
I know you lost the war, and can’t turn the clock back. What else is there to care about?
Don’t you talk crap about my country or people. There was NEVER a war. The ruling white folks agreed to a democratic election. They admitted defeat. Not a single shot was fired. What WAR are you talking about? Just shows how little you really know…
ET was a father, a husband. He just died. How do you think he’s family would feel knowing you guys refer to him as ‘human shit’? Have you no respect?
The people the AWB killed had had fathers, husbands and wives too, who they murdered for wanting majority rule. They won and you lost.
More than 3000 white farmers (not to mention woman and childeren) have been murdered in SA since 1994. Not just killed, but tortured, raped and things done to then that your brain can’t even imagine. Why don’t you write about that? You live there far over the deep blue sea, and spit out things that is not true. You don’t know how it feels the live in constant fear for your and your loved onces lifes. You don’t have a CLUE whats really happening here my friend. Not a clue.
Terreblanche had no problem with thousands more being murdered when it was the apartheid regime doing it. Everything I’ve said about the AWB is true. They and you will never be able to take South Africa back to apartheid again.
Where did ET kill anyone?? Are you for real, or is this a joke?
The AWB attacked and killed at Ventersdorp and Bophuthatswana –, Not that it got them anywhere.
Who said anything about going back to apartheid? I challenge you, show me any literature that proves your point. So the white child must get raped and killed because of what apartheid did many years ago? Is that what you saying? And please do answer my questions, you seem to hop around it…
“Who said anything about going back to apartheid?” The AWB do. How else are they going to create an Afrikaner state?
That was 3 guys. Do 3 people in your country represent you all? Is the internet your only source of information? Looks like it…
Tell me, when they speak of an ‘afrikaner state’, what does it mean? Do you even know?
Well what does it mean to you?
I have to go. I would just like to say that the majority of white people in SA today are decent, God fearing down to earth people that are willing to build a free, non-racial society where everyone is safe. We have politicians using public forums singing songs that means white people must be killed, and to the world it is acceptable ‘because of what apartheid did’ I was a child when apartheid ended..
Aww, but you seemed so nice! See you later troll x
Its past midnight here. Just a favor though, to demonstrate that you have decency. Please remove the part where you called ET ‘human shit’ You didn’t know him. He is dead now, and will answer to a higher power for whatever he did or didn’t do. What does ‘troll x’ mean?
ET is certainly not a human shit! Whether or not he’s a shit is uncertain, but he is an Extra Terrestial, i.e. an alien, i.e. definitely not a human.
Also, that Afrikaner Resistance Movement flag looks a lot like the Isle of Man flag… OMG ARE THE ISLE OF MAN ALL NAZIS??!? Even the cute cats with no tails?
“ET is” erm… You should pay attention in the class sweetheart, he ‘is’ no more as he was murdered last week. Calling other people human shit is a bit rich.. coming from a ’socialist’ movent. But then again I always beleived there is no difference between socialism and commumism. Folks that strive towards socialism are usually the poor kids who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Daddy is poor, and mommy is poor, so thats why they (the socialists) always bitch and complain about other peoples wealth. Guess appealing to your movent’s sense of decency was too much to ask. No figure…
Hello Sky, I think you are mixing up ET the Extra Terrestrial with ETB, the human piece of shit.
Hello Jack, I see now what she meant. My sincere apologies to the lil witchy…
I would like to clear up any misunderstandings that may have been caused in this thread and make SSY’s position clear. ET is most certainly not a piece of shit, he was nice.
Eugene Terre Blanche on the other hand. . .
ET did look a bit like a piece of shit though, despite being very nice. Eugene Terre Blanche didn’t look like a piece of shit at all, but his personality made up for that.
ET = cool
Eugene Terre Blanche = doesnt even deserve to reach the toilet bowl
The comments made by SSY in this regard has enabled me to conclude the following: 1) The instant allusion by SSY members to ET, an imaginary character portayed im a movie mostly aimed at childeren is due to the fact that SSY constituents are adolescent students/zit-faced teenagers who still need to grow up. 2) The continuous, frank and casual reference to shit proves my remark regarding the wrong side of the tracks, or could perhaps indicate a excrement\faeces fetish amongst the members of SSY. The lot of you should go catch that fish you beleive in. Cheers
Or maybe we are just acutely aware of how funny it is to wind people like you up. The more annoyed you get at something we do (talk about ET, talk about jobbies, etc..) the more we are going to do it. Thats because we have the upper hand here. You are just some sad troll on a website.
What fish we believe in? I don’t believe in no fish!
Fish are a lie that was invented by Apartheid South Africa. Unlike the very real ET.
I was reading through this site’s content. Apart from being a bunch of play-play, wana-be politicians you are actually a hilarious… No wonder the world never hears anything about Scottland in any field of science, enginering etc..
The Scots invented the steam engine, the flush toilet, the bicycle, the telephone, the television, the motion picture, penicillin, electromagnetics, radar, and insulin, among many other things that have changed the world.
I suggest you read this:
But, yeah, I agree, we really are hilarious, aren’t we!
Scottish Comedy Awards, here we come…!
Jimmy, poor choice in article to try and prove your point, son. I suggest you read the first paragraph again, but this time read slowly and try to take in the meaning of each sentence before moving on to the next. Making short notes as you go along might also aid your comprehension. E.g. the steam engine was only ‘improved’ by Watt. The toilet I can believe though…it’s quite fitting to my conclusion number two I made earlier. Seems like the Scots have a neck for piggy-back-riding on other people’s ideas/inventions. But hey, no hard feelings… at least you gave it a try, right? Also, can you please indicate to me who SSY’s opposition is over there? I would like to get in contact with then, just to put them at ease by telling them that they need not worry about you guys – apart from handing out pamphlets, writing crap about people and countries you don’t know the first thing about, and posing for stupid photo’s carrying stupid banners, there ain’t much to worry about…
You know, constantly talking about how shit you find our Scottisness to be isn’t doing anything to counter the idea that you and other supporters of Terreblanche are MASSIVE FUCKING RACISTS
Dear Sarah, your up-bringing is starting to show love.. Was it the ‘wrong side of the track’ thing? Such callous words, im hurt, really *Sky wiping his tears* Anyways, you lot talking crap about things you don’t know. I’m just returning the favor. You should liberate yourself from that mediocre complex that is so appallingly apparent in your comments. Just remember love, it don’t matter where you come from, it matters where you heading…
Yeah, and you’re heading for a beheading. Eugene Terreblanche style.
David, I don’t want to burst your bubble buddy, but you didn’t say who you talking to… You folks are not the sharpest pencils in the box huh? Hehe
I think the ‘heading’ reference to your previous post made it entirely clear, for people who aren’t racist idiots
hehe i liked the article. especially the opening sentence: “SSY has a long and proud record of celebrating when fascists die in embarrassing and or unfortunate circumstances.”
I wasn’t happy when he died. It’s sad for anyone to be murdered and its sad that he spent his life in hatred before he was murdered, maybe he got his deserts. i don’t know, but a mqn being murdered does not bring me joy. What would have made me happy was for him to admit that he was wrong and to recognise that real men choose here friends and there enemies based on real things like if they actually are a friend or an enemy not the fucking colour. That would have made me happy not his murder.