Hamid Karzai first came to western attention after the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, where he was imposed as the President of the divided country. He’s a far cry from scary unshaven one-eyed Taliban head honcho mad bastard Mullah Omar, and other Taliban hardliners – Karzai cuts a dapper figure in sharp suits, possibly designed by Gok Wan. In a piece of largely unreported (can’t imagine why) news however the west’s favourite man in Afghanistan has been rocking the boat a bit, declaring if he gets any more flak for rigging elections he will bugger off and join the Taliban. Karzai is upset at the west for raising mild criticisms of his electoral fraud (which he blames on the US), and says if they keep pressuring him he will join the Taliban and change it into a “National Resistance Movement” – because anyone who is paying you off suddenly becomes much nicer. Unfortunately small irrelevant news like the President of Afghanistan threatening to go flakey and join the people you are currently fighting isn’t important enough for the UK media.

Oh Hamid, you are a tease!
Karzai’s threat isn’t as outlandish as it may seem – he originally joined in the Taliban’s Pashtun based rebellion, after he himself had served as a Government minister in a Jaaamat I-Islamiya (an Islamic fundamentalist group) led Afgan regime. Today Karzai is happy to sit in Government with a raft of brutal Afghan warlords who impose similar Sharia law on their population to the Taliban. Karzai doesn’t have any principles beyond manoeuvring himself into power, whether it’s with Afghan warlords, Taliban or NATO.
The fact that the President of a country, the leader of it’s fictional “Afghan National Army” openly talks about defecting to the Taliban like a career move shows there is no stable, democratic or principled Afghan Government worth defending. It’s a collection of cut-throat careerists who are in power off the back of NATO firepower, and not one more Afghan, British or American Soldier should die to prop up Karzai’s corruption any longer.