After nine months of blogging, SSY has achieved not only 200 blog posts, but also become the world’s foremost media outlet. Two humans could make a baby in that time, but a team of authors has brought you so much more -- we’ve revolutionised the global media and blended hard hitting, 100% accurate journalism with welcoming the deaths of total bastards.
We’ve also had a vibrant comments box, which has encouraged rigorous debate between dissident republicans, UKIP candidates, BNP members, mental Christians, pro-apartheid Boer settlers, and our number one fan, Gordon Taylor, all arguing their case to the best of their mental abilities. Not to mention Andy not-as-good-at-Subbuteo-as-his-brother Mollett.
Having achieved all this however, we are disappointed to have made it this far without a single lawsuit. Come on Jack Irvine, we did say you were contemplating 16 year old boys’ bottoms, what you gonna do about it? Although we make this all look effortless, it does take a dedicated team devoting all their lives to produce the blog you love to check every day. Below, we see a member of SSY’s editorial staff displaying our sense of political priorities:
Celebrating the SSY blog’s 200th post, Apple overlord Steve Jobs commented, “It was the SSY blog that finally convinced me to release the iPad. Now I can check the blog from wherever I go, and keep up to date with the latest gossip on Purcellgate, and laugh at the latest fuckwits who’ve died.”
Controversial Dutch politician Geert Wildeers added, “I likesch the esch esch wy blog, it brightesch up my day in between baiting the Muslimsch and schmocking pancakesch.
Kris Seunarine, UKIP candidate for Glenrothes, meanwhile commented, “I think we should do to the NHS what the Joker did to that socialist hospital in Gotham. Unfortunately, my attempts so far have been thwarted by SSY and their accurate reporting of what I say and think. Why so serious?”
Not everyone is so pleased with the progress of the SSY blog, however. Disgraced former Glasgow City Council leader Steven Purcell was last spotted on a balcony in a southern hemisphere mansion, firing an M16 automatic weapon, screaming “fuck you SSY, you fuck with me, you fucken wit da best.” And Gordon Taylor, a mental health nurse, owner of a dog called Bauer and long time stalker of SSY, said of the site: “STUPID STUPID STUPID. Hate filled sexual innuendo filled rats”.
What is it that has inflamed interest around the world in SSY? Well in these short 9 months Leftfield has covered a variety of topics, from workers rights to opposing the fascist SDL, the criminalisation of mephedrone, the war in Afghanistan, youth unemployment and how violent videogames are going to make children rip off their own scrotums. Below are a few of Leftfields top articles for you to peruse at your leisure:
1. Megrahi -- Lockerbie’s Scapegoat
2. Zuma mania!

Say hello to my little friend!
3. Fear, Lies and Pseudo-science
4. RAGE AT NO. 1!: the greatest victory for the working class ever
5. Fuckety Bye to the Thick Of It
6. Breaking News: Poor People Steal Food
8. Pat ‘Knobhead’ Robertson Does It Again
10. Scotland, Afghanistan & Heroin
So after 200 posts, where next for the SSY blog? We’ll let this American mental answer for us…
Additional reporting by Andy Bowden and Liam T.
brilliant article. my only quibble is that i never made it into the top 10. must try harder in time for the 300th!
the top ten isn’t definitive! otherwise chelsea’s SDL article would CLEARLY be number one.
it’s just to highlight older articles that people may have missed.
Was reading through some of Gordon Taylor’s posts on the old SSY forum, I was particularly tickled by:
“get me barred if you like baboonbrain. see when your comrades agree with me do you regard them as shite contributions as well? thought not you concrete thinking dullard. this truly is a confederacy of dunces at times”
YEAH, BABOONBRAIN. Gordon Taylor is a fuckin baboonbrain. Who has a dog called Bauer. And is a mental health nurse. And who has either deleted his facebook or changed his name on it. And who has been to Dubai on holiday. And who is getting an extension on his house.
No he hasn’t:
When I click that link nothing comes up for me. When I try to search him nothing comes up, and I can’t find him in RR’s friends. Maybe he has blocked me?