
PCS in Glasgow [photo: john lanigan
Thirty thousand civil servants (people who work in places like the Scottish Parliament, job centres, courts and tax offices) are on strike in Scotland today.
The action is being taken by members of the PCS trade union, over changes to redundancy entitlement which mean that if staff lose their job, they could also lose up to a third of what they would’ve previously been paid as compensation. The government is hoping to save £500,000 through this scheme.
What makes this so important at the current time, is that both Labour and the Tories are intent on pushing through massive cuts in the public sector, including job losses - and now they don’t even want workers taking redundancy to even get decent compensation!
Meanwhile at the Student Loans Company – where workers are also represented by the PCS union – management are looking to lay off around around 150 staff in Glasgow – 20% of the total workforce!
Now, if you’re a student, you’re probably already pretty familiar with the SLC – last year, the issuing of loans was left in chaos, with tens of thousands of students starting the year with no money whatsoever. And these are the loans that have to be paid back, with interest, remember – no student grants for us! Predictably enough, it soon emerged that at the same time as students weren’t receiving their loans, senior executives in the SLC were getting massive bonuses – in some cases, up to five figures. And now, the same management have unveiled their plan to slash nearly 200 jobs across the country, which will presumably make the whole loans thing be even more efficient this year than it was last year, while hundreds of workers are thrown onto the scrapheap at the same time. Logic!
Mairi Cranie, an SSY member who works at the SLC in Glasgow, explained: “The Student Loans Company is cutting almost 200 jobs, the majority of which are in Glasgow. Forty-five of these jobs are moving from Hillington to Darlington at no saving to the tax payer. This will impact families across the west of Scotland and the service for both current students and people in the process of repaying their loans.”
You can sign a petition against the cuts at the SLC here: http://www.gopetition.com/online/34078.html
The PCS strike continues tomorrow, so get down yr local picket line and offer them some support!
I’m a former civil servant; was with HMRC back in 2006 and this cuts agenda has been going on for a loooong time. There’s an official target of laying off many, many thousands of public sector workers just to save money, and any protest about reducing service to the public just falls on deaf ears. This isn’t just a savage and misdirected cost saving exercise, but a concerted attack on the whole idea of public service, that is so virulent that it even extends to the service that administers the tax system of the UK, where workers are already hugely overburdened.
For example, at my old workplace I took calls from employers who needed help with their annual returns. In the run up to the deadline, in this call centre where there were no more than two hundred of us we were regularly taking around twelve to fourteen thousand calls every day.
Ewan showed me this: