As Leftfield reported a couple of days ago, Greece is currently in the midst of a huge economic crisis (well, everywhere is, but it’s ESPECIALLY bad there), with the government attempting to push through billions of Euros worth of cuts in the public sector - basically cause otherwise they’re running the risk of going bankrupt.
Thankfully though, the Greek working class are pretty militant, and they sure as hell aren’t going to let these cuts and austerity measures – in wages, jobs, pensions, services ETC – be pushed through without putting up a fight. This week, there was a huge general strike on Thursday, which saw airports, ports, factories and government offices all closed down, and even the police, who have a reputation for being a bit of nasty bunch, holding demonstrations in the street.
But it’s not just the Greek people that are militant. Oh no, Greece also has some of the most militant, revolutionary canines in Europe! Writes a Greek anarchist of their four-legged friends: “They always hated police and authority, lived in Exarchia and the university and came with us in every demo. Some are still with us, some have died, always dreaming of a free world.”
One dog in particular, who we believe to go by the name of Kellanos, has become a minor celebrity round Athens, as a regular participant in every demonstration there over the past few years, never shying away from the front line of battle. Think I’m joking? Take a look at these…

18 December 2008

24 February 2010


9 May 2009

12 December 2008

24 February 2010
Leftfield salutes the efforts of Comrade Kellanos and the street dogs of Athens in their valiant struggle to bring about a fairer world for all creatures, two-legged and four-legged alike, and thinks the dogs of Scotland could learn much from their waggy-tailed comrades of Greece. Canines of the world unite! You have nothing to lose except your collars and leads!
ACAB – all cats are bastards.
et catera.
You sound like a member of the DDL (Dogs Defence League) – we cats are not the enemy! Be not the sheepdog of the rich. We must unite around the common enemy – capitalism! In the spirit of Karl Barx, I say we march on Woofingston and tell Bark Obama what we think of these barker bailouts.
If you can agree to a truce, I will instruct my numerous followers to stop singing that anti-dog chant you may have heard (“The woof, the woof, the woof is on fire, we don’t need no water let the motherfucker purr, etc).
Lots of love,
Ceiling Cat
The rats of the world are ready to unite against capitalism, and with our ever swelling numbers we are surely a working class force to be reckoned with.
However, I ask both of you, surely you must recognise that rats can never truly join the movement while we live in fear of being murdered by our comrades, dog and cat alike. We, of the Rat Army, ask that some of your leading comrades sign a formal truce, and then together we may bring about the downfall of capitalism! No more will the rat proletariat be blamed for society’s ills, and no longer shall we live a life of stealing grain from the rich human bourgeoise to feed our hungry babies.
Bread and rodents!
Revolutionary ideas are growing among dogs in Scotland!
There is a strong dog bloc in the anti-racist movement, as you can see:
Changing the world, one dog at a time!
you cats are the idle rich, sitting around all day doing nothing while dogs CLEARLY represent the oppressed masses, forced to slave away herding sheep and going down mines and chasing hares and that.
except this cat, it’s cool as fuck:
No comrade dog, (Liam T lol), that is what the human overlords want you to think! We are not the enemy. What of all those cats forced into slavery as models for pictures with funny captions?
Comrade dog, chewing on a bone;
The bones of capitalism, I hope!
Sadly the cats and the pigs of the world have been long slandered by the world’s left. Cats and Pigs, even fat ones are on the side of the proleterait though we have some demands – cats demands are not much, we mostly have a cushdie life but the pigs want youse to stop eating them and calling them capitalists – it’s just not comradely or nice.
Kellanos is proof that four legs ARE better than two
Take care humanoids