Jack Irvine contemplates 16 year old boys' bottoms
(With additional reporting by Sarah, Liam T, and Neevvy.)
Regular readers will know that Leftfield has carried the best coverage of Purcellgate in the Scottish media.
Leftfield favourite Purcell is now reported to have fled Scotland. In his absence he’s left behind a high powered and expensive team of lawyers and PR men to make sure that no one could ever allege he’s done anything dodgy. And that’s because he totally hasn’t, honest.
Heading the team is former editor of the Scottish Sun Jack Irvine. Now a PR consultant specialising in “crisis management” (what crisis?), he’s also been notable as a leading behind-the-scenes campaigner for organised homophobia.
Irvine was one of the main men behind the Keep the Clause campaign, which tried to stop the Scottish Parliament repealing a homophobic law that prevented schools from “promoting homosexuality.” Introduced by the Thatcher government in the 80′s, the real aim of this stone age legislation was to prevent children being able to learn about the possibility of being gay in sex education classes.
When MSPs finally got round to abolishing this nonsense, a powerful coalition of some of Scotland’s leading capitalists came together to try and defend legalised homophobia. The most famous of course was Brian Souter, head of Stagecoach buses, who got rich by cutting routes and driving rivals out of business. He’s also most notable for being Scotland’s most famous homophobe, as well as having donated £500,000 to the SNP just before their election to government in 2007.
But others involved in the Keep the Clause group included founder of the Sports Division stores and Scotland’s richest man Tom Hunter; Kwik Fit founder and multi-millionaire Sir Tom Farmer; Souter’s sister and Scotland’s richest woman Ann Gloag (who at one point was richer than the Queen); David Moulsdale the owner of Optical Express; and former head of Strathclyde Police, and then Metropolitan Police Commissioner under Thatcher Sir David McNee.
Many of these individuals also used Jack Irvine personally for their own PR. Irvine, who once described gay men as “Slobbering queers who want to get their hands on 16 year-old boys’ bottoms,” in the Scottish Daily Mirror, seemed the natural choice to run a political campaign of right wing homophobia on behalf of all these powerful Scottish figures.
The campaign was ultimately a failure, despite the attempts of Irvine and crew to engineer a fake “referendum”. Around 70% of Scots who received the ballots for this put them where Keep the Clause’s politics belonged-the bin.

Soapy Souter gets to grips with the "gay problem"
Irvine has found other ways to express his homophobia during the course of his career. In 1999, when Bank of Scotland announced a major business deal with rich televangelist, homophobe and general right wing bastard Pat ‘Knobhead’ Robertson, Irvine was on the front line defending BoS from gay rights protests. He also used a column in the Scottish Daily Mirror to peddle hate on a regular basis, such as this gem on the decision to equalise the age of consent for gay and straight 16 year olds:
“A pretty young boy of 16 can’t vote for his local MP, but he can now be buggered by him… So equality is the key, is it? In that case, shouldn’t 16-year-olds get the vote, be eligible to become, say, policemen? No? Why not? Because they’re not mature enough. But they are deemed mature enough to be bum chums for sleazy old pervs.”
But what keeps Irvine in sharp suits is his work for PR company Media House, which he founded in 1991, and which has helped him to the position where he’s been described as “Scotland’s answer to Max Clifford.” According to his biography page on the Media House website:
“Irvine specialises in international litigation and is a founding partner of Tactical Response, a confidential consultancy that advises boards on sensitive matters such as extortion, terrorism, fraud and abduction. They are operational on a global scale.”
That global reach will come in handy now that sources close to Purcell have indicated that “Mr Purcell has left the politics of Glasgow behind and is now resting and recuperating in the sun.” Leaving aside whether, as the former top man in the city, Purcell bears any responsibility for Glaswegian politics being a “mire”, we hope that as and when he does return to Scottish politics he’ll be refreshed by his experience on holiday. Indeed, he may even be able to recommend time on a beach for others with a chemical dependency stress and exhaustion. Most people with the same kinds of problems aren’t able to afford to recuperate in the sun, and find themselves in much less attractive surroundings. We hope Purcell one day finds the time to try and change the scapegoating and lack of support for people who may or may not allegedly have drug problems.
We also hope it’ll give him time to reflect on the contradiction of an out gay man employing such a notorious homophobe to defend him. Indeed, Irvine, who has used the infamous “but I have gay friends!” defence against accusations of homophobia, likes to claim his relationship with Purcell proves he isn’t a bigot.
According to anot
her source “”Steven has always had an interest in the southern hemisphere and it is thought he might be spending some time there.” This mysterious and cryptic statement leads on to our bonus feature, Leftfield’s new favourite guessing game:
So, we can take out 50% of planet Earth from the equation. What options does that leave us with? Leftfield offers a few suggestions:
#Perhaps Stephen has hotfooted it over to Australia. He is rumoured to be about to surface on the new series of I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! where he will surely be a Glaswegian viewer favourite for those gruesome bushtucker trials. It’s possible that he’s been receiving advice from former contestants such as Daniella Westbrook (insert comment about deviated septums), Peter Andre (on how to revive a flagging career) and Brian Harvey, a man who knows all about addiction, since the day that he ate 47 baked potatoes and then accidentally ran himself over. It’s quite likely. Just sayin’.
#Maybe he’s in Colombia. Colombia is a lush and beautiful country, straddling the cool blue of the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. To the north lie the impressive Andes mountains. To the south, the mystery and allure of the Amazon Jungle.

Steven P hangin' in Medellin
For the people of Colombia, Steven Purcell could certainly offer the wisdom of his extensive public service experience to assist with Colombian issues, for example he might be able to assist with a number of aspects of the Colombian exports system – agriculture, quality control, product testing… We know that Steven has been welcomed with open arms by several political organisations in the country who have received his direct financial support in the past. He is said to be keen to try out those local delicacies that have not yet reached the nutritionally challenged streets of Glasgow.
Colombian superstar Shakira was earlier overheard welcoming Purcell to her homeland, going as far as to say “Phwoar, I saw him earlier and I can tell you, even if he has lied about those SPT expenses, sure as hell his hips don’t lie”.*
*Shakira did not actually say this. Probably.
#This one may be a long shot, but you can’t deny that Antarctica IS completely covered in white powder…
So where is Steven? The first correct answer on a postcard will receive 1 dildo, slightly used, courtesy of Brian Souter.
Haw your da had a deviated septum – as Ewan said, I didn’t know he’d been caning it up. You’re thinking of a degraded/missing septum due to the hydrochloride that’s left when you snort cocaine turning into a hydrochloric acid.
And Section 28 affected bi young folk too!
Pernickety post over!
I reckon that he’s on some beautiful island with blue skies, crystal clear water and pure white sands as far as the eye can see.
i mean, nice article guys, but what’s with jack irvine having the reflection of a penguin-face in the pond in the antarctica picture? you should really sort this stuff out. BLOG FAIL
Come on guy (girl?), I go out with Jack’s brother and I’ve known him a long time – I wouldn’t even have posted that if it didn’t give me a chance to evoke images of a lovely SSP press gentleman merrily snorting away!
And the bi comment stands – doesn’t mean I didn’t love the article (which of course I did), I just like to do my small internet bit of counteracting bi invisibility, which I don’t think is cheeky of me.
Fricken’ LOL!
Hillarious article, but what do we win if we pin him on the map? I’m guessing Australia.
Joke, joke.
Squeak, WTF are you talking about, no one’s even said anything to you?
Brilliant – however is Colombia in the southern Hemisphere? Just asking
“Confused”, you’re getting mixed up- nobody made any digs about (my) dad?
Good article!
Media House refutes any allegations that Steven Purcell remains in the northern hemisphere, and is happy to point out that part of Colombia does indeed reside in the southern hemisphere, as a country which straddles the equator. Much like my friend Brian, who straddles a giant dildo.
LydiaTeapot, you win my lovely only a tiny bit used dildo! Now with added crust. My money’s on the Falklands.
medellín is in the north though!
It’s. Just. A. Fucking. Joke.
The thing that especially annoys me about Jack Irvine’s comments is that he obviously has no problem at all with ‘slobbering sleazy old pervs’ having sex with 16 year old girls.
What a dick.