MAX DUNBAR: nice vest
Two days ago, the Scottish section of the BNP put a statement up on their website, ‘exposing’ an ‘anti-BNP Scotland group’ which has pledged to ‘destroy the party in Scotland’.
Who could this mysterious organisation be – whose actions the BNP admit have lost them ‘thousands’ of votes? Unite Against Fascism? Antifa? The Thunderbirds?
Not quite – it’s actually three of their own leading (ex-)officials! Yep, great news everyone – the BNP have started destroying themselves from within. Although the post (which has since been taken down but has been cached by google here) doesn’t put names to the ‘trio of fools’ involved, comments underneath the article out them as Charlie Baillie, Max Dunbar and John Robertson. These are pretty much the core of BNP activism in Glasgow – when the BNP attempted street activity here last year during the European Elections, it was invariably these three that were out. Indeed, Baillie was the BNP’s number one candidate on the Scottish regional list for those elections, and was later the candidate for the Glasgow North East by-election, where they finished in fourth place and came within a few dozen votes of saving their deposit.
The reasons for Baillie and co’s departure aren’t very clear – it seems there’s egos and personal agendas coming into play, as well as the anti-Griffin sentiment which has been causing unrest within the party down south, which the recent court decision that forced them to open up membership to non-whites has only increased. The BNP’s Scottish leader is Aberdeen-based Gary Raikes, who has a reputation for being a bit of a useless twat. As well as owning “4 horses, 8 sheep, 5 dogs, 9 cats and 3 ferrets” and not having a favourite colour (true facts!), Raikes is a firm Griffinite, as is Walter Hamilton, now the Glasgow organiser and about their only senior member left in the city.

GARY RAIKES: definitely doesn't have a massive ego
The BNP had planned to stand twelve candidates in Scotland for the upcoming Westminster elections. With three of them now complete outcasts from the Scottish party and ‘refusing to stand’, they will only be contesting nine – one short of the minimum 10 seats required to get a televised broadcast! So not only will this fuck up their plans for the Westminster elections – it’ll also have seriously implications for the party in the Holyrood elections, which are only a year away. The BNP’s long term strategy in Scotland appears to rest on getting an MSP elected next year, and most likely on the Glasgow regional list, for which they wouldn’t require a massive increase from the 4.92% that Baillie took in the Glasgow North East by-election recently. Griffin himself has said that he believes the 6.5% or so that they’d need is a “do-able thing”.
But none of them counted on three of their leading members in Glasgow walking out. Their plans now lie in ruins. Long may this fine tradition of the far-right destroying themselves continue!

HI-VIS WANKERS: the people of glasgow tell dunbar (in hat) & baillie (centre) to get tae
Interesting stuff, and very interestingly timed, making Baillie’s motives suspect over all of this. However, I think they will still have 10 candidates – as that what they have the money for- as you know they dont have to be based in scotland to stand up here. As far as i know, the annoucement of 10 candidates came after this problem, which occurred back in February. More importantly, they have Scott McLean, their previous Scottish organiser back working for them, whose organisational talents dwarfs the dubious leadership of Baillie
They are confirmed standing in Banff & Buchan, Aberdeen North, Aberdeen South, Gordon, East Renfrewshire and Livingston. Very probably Falkirk as well and the 2 glasgow seats they fought in 2005 as well
Now back up to 13 candidates. Full slate again in Glasgow plus Livingston. Dundee West and 5 in Aberdeenshire
Get your facts right, you great unwashed socialist lefties. BNP are standing 14 candidates. Not only do with have Walter Hamilton in Glasgow, we also have Scott McLean who are building the Glasgow BNP. Onwards and Upwards. Now, you foaming at the mouth commie twats – go have a wash. Bye Bye.
I don’t think that Ballie, Robertson or Dunbar are leading figures in the BNP. Maybe they used to be, but not now. Thankfully Walter Hamilton is back at the helm, along with Scott McLean. GOD BLESS NICK GRIFFIN.
Erm, Charlie Bailie was the BNP candidate in a recent high profile by election was he not?
Still, I can understand why you’d want to play down his role, considering when he talks it sounds like you’ve typed words into the computer and got them to read them out.
The . . . . . . . . . British . . . . . . . . . National . . . . . . . . . Party . . . . . . . . . are . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . bunch . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . racist . . . . . . . . . fuck . . . . . . . . . WITS.
Seriously, we know that you are the same person, commenting under different names isn’t fooling anyone.
Well admin heres one from someone different if that is what you think. If your going to write about the BNP in Scotland it must be worrying your party, just remind me how many seats the Scottish Socialists won in the last General Election ? what was that ? oh have you lost your tongue or dont you know the answer. The fact of the matter is with all the bad publicity the BNP have had regarding being anti racist thugs, we still have to see any hard evidence of this we simply want to look after our own before looking after people outside the UK we are NOT a racist party we welcome people of all colours and any christian religion. Its true we dont want to be part of the EU because why should British taxpayers be paying family allowance to people who dont live in the UK. If that makes us racist then that means the SNP must be racist because they dont want non Scots entering our country namely English Welsh and Irish but quite happy to support muslims who steal money from the British taxpayer.
I eagerly await your reply with all the evidence.
“If your going to write about the BNP in Scotland it must be worrying your party”
Anyone when any sense is worried about fascist parties trying to grow. I’ve seen the World at War and some of the bits with your pals were pretty grim.
“The fact of the matter is with all the bad publicity the BNP have had regarding being anti racist thugs”
don’t think anyone says that mate.
“we still have to see any hard evidence of this”
O rly?
“we simply want to look after our own”
There’s the racism. Case closed.