Susan Ross, Aberdeen South BNP candidate
Last week, the BNP triumphantly announced that they’d put up their first ever billboard in Scotland, in Aberdeen. This was the first of three planned in the North East - the area of the country where they’re concentrating most of their resources, particularly following the fall-out which has fractured the party in Glasgow.
Their candidate in Aberdeen is Susan Ross, a nurse and grandmother – clearly someone they’re hoping will give their racist politics a veil of respectability. Although she stands no chance of election – and probably won’t even save her deposit – they’ve previously stated that their tactic is to build up localised support in the hope of gaining a regional list seat in Holyrood next year.
SSY is pleased to learn that local anti-fascists reacted quickly to the BNP advert, despite violent threats from the party of ’round the clock security’ to protect it – we’ve more than one report of attacks by BNP thugs on anti-fascists attempting to get near the billboard.
Well done Aberdeen – No Pasaran!

billboard photo: aberdeen anarchists
SSY member Ewan Robertson will be contesting the Aberdeen North seat in the upcoming general election – read more about the campaign here: www.aberdeenssp.org
See, we sheep shaggers are not too bad after all! lol
That picture of Griffin and Ross is deeply terrifying. So much nazi cleavage!
Aberdeen is no place for fascists and we will not tolerate them on the street.
update: someone’s been charged with setting fire to the billboard – they were ‘admonished’ though which means they just got a caution basically.
Well done to this lad. Hope having had his photograph displayed and his address he is safe from the fash.
Thank God for the BNP. You will NEVER break the BNP. Our patriotic people will win in the end and you great unwashed pieces of shit will be destroyed. Onwards and Upwards. GOD BLESS NICK GRIFFIN – and of course all the Aberdeen and Glasgow BNP!
More Billboards will be erected all over the country for the next elections. You stupid, marxist, brainwashed lefties will be beaten by the good patriotic people of Britain. Onwards and Upwards for the BNP. God Bless Nick Griffin and all good patriotric British people. Long Live The Queen.
Hi Joe, thanks for confirming what we already knew – that if the BNP get in, we’ll all be in concentration camps.
‘Joe Burns’ and ‘Mary Hill’ have the same IP address.
While I am very proud of some of the people from my adopted home town for taking action I do feel there should be a bit more of an organised response to this.
A number of years back a coalition of various anti-fascist/racist groups here halted a planned NF march, I would like to see such a thing happen again.
Especially organised peaceful protest to it to make sure the BNP cannot spew any of their fact bending bile about “violent leftist thugs.”
Peaceful at least until the BNP “security team” storm in, then all bets are off.
I would love to see people associated with the SSP, Aberdeen Anarchists, UAF (despite my personal disagreements with some of their actions), and non-group linked people like myself get together and really make a stand.
I agree. There is room for different tactics in a group like that. that is something i would definitely be interested in.
aye, well the Scottish Anti-Fascist Alliance has recently been formed, which has come out of a merger between the Glasgow and Edinburgh AFAs which organised the demos against the SDL. we had our first official SAFA meeting on saturday in glasgow.
we’d be really keen to get groups going in other parts of the country – so if anything starts up in Aberdeen you’re very welcome to use the SAFA brand.
I oppose communism.
And what exactly do you oppose explain yourself further. And if you oppose it what do you promote.
If you’re a fascist though don’t bother your arse.