A week in the life of… Gordon Brown

This week, Leftfield’s government infiltrators uncovered shocking images of Prime Minister Gordon Brown as allegations of bullying were levelled against him, which we bring to you now. Please be aware that these images may cause distress to readers of a nervous disposition, or anyone who generally finds Brown, Cameron & Prescott’s faces to induce sickness.

(Click to see these fascinating images in all their glory)

NEXT WEEK: Leftfield’s intrepid Number 10 reporters uncover the truth about THAT ‘special relationship’ between Hillary Clinton and David Miliband, and bring you the recipe for Peter Mandelson’s secret moustache.


  1. Jack says:


    Edit-That is Ed Balls, how do you embed youtubes in a comment? Look I added the v and everything.

  2. Liam says:

    I’ll work on it Jack, the youtube plugin is strange…

  3. Jack says:

    Well in the meantime watch these two youtubes. They’re viral videos, I was trying to work out if they’re done by some kind of Tory youtube nerd. Even if they are they’re still funny


    The internets have not been kind to Ladies Love Cool John.

  4. David says:

    I can’t decide if the explosion behind No. 10 is Gordon releasing all his pent-up rage at not being allowed to bully anyone for 24hrs till the whole thing blows over, or if he is just giving off a massive guff.