Belgium bans creepy Santas

A Belgian parliamentary committee has unanimously voted to finally tackle the scourge of creepy shopping centre Santas. Concern has been growing in the European nation for years at the growth of fundamentalist Santa-ism, as these dodgy looking characters lure children towards their radical ideology with promises of “presents”. Many advocate that the entire Santa-believing world [...]

Cracks starting to show on Digital Economy Bill

As Leftfield has already reported, Labour, the Tories and Lib Dems have been united on at least one thing in the run up to the election: their desire to allow the corporate culture industry write the law when it comes to filesharing on the internet. The epic law fail that is the Digital Economy Bill [...]

Stuff your Crown Powers!

As Britain is gearing up for the most important election in decades, it’s also the most closely fought. Successive opinion polls have shown that it is unlikely any party will have an overall majority to govern – that either means working as a minority Government, or one in coalition. This has an obvious disadvantage, that [...]

Car crash reveals anti-corporate anger in Russia

On February 25th a fatal car accident killed two well known gynecologists in Moscow. The crash was caused when their Citroen was smashed into by an armoured Mercedes that contained Anatoliy Barkov, Vice President of Lukoil, Russia’s largest oil company. Very quickly the police attempted to cover up the accident in order to protect his [...]

The Billionaire Brothers behind climate change denial

A major investigation by Greenpeace has revealed what we always knew: climate change denial is a well funded conspiracy, centered on oil corporations. In recent years, there’s been a lot of focus on the role of companies like Exxon in funding organisations that spread lies and propaganda to undermine climate science. But even their contributions [...]

James Lovelock is too stupid to prevent climate change

James Lovelock is a notable scientist and inventor. He’s most famous for developing the Gaia theory, which argues that living organisms and the physical processes of the Earth are part of a huge system that regulates conditions on this planet to keep it comfortable for life. He’s also a total knobhead. Lovelock has been prominent [...]

From Welfare to Deathfare.

The 3 contenders for Chancellor of the Exchequer all agree on one thing – the budget deficit must be cut. This will require a variety of “brutal”, “savage” and “deep” cuts – but none of course, will affect you or your frontline services. It’s a bit like serial killer say he’s going to stab you [...]

Fear, lies and pseudo-science

So, the inevitable has happened. The government yesterday announced that their agenda on drugs is being set by the corporate media, when Home Secretary Alan Johnson told the media he will rush through a ban on Mephedrone in the few days left before parliament breaks up for the election. How quickly can newspapers and the [...]

BNP: not welcome in Aberdeen. Not welcome anywhere.

Last week, the BNP triumphantly announced that they’d put up their first ever billboard in Scotland, in Aberdeen. This was the first of three planned in the North East - the area of the country where they’re concentrating most of their resources, particularly following the fall-out which has fractured the party in Glasgow. Their candidate in Aberdeen [...]

Letter to SNP and Labour candidates

As I explained in a recent blog post, I decided to write to Osama Saeed and Anas Sarwar, to encourage them to take a stand against the BNP’s freedom to stir up racial hatred. Below is the text of an emailed letter I sent to and Dear fellow candidate, First of all, allow [...]