Anti-fascists & local yoof block the route of the NF: Lewisham 1977
The dieing days of a Labour government, discontent bubbling away in the trade unions, a resurgent Conservative party, mass unemployment, cuts – everywhere – cuts!, the far-right gaining limited electoral success, the SWP falling apart .. fuck me, haven’t we been here before?
Well, um not strictly, seeing as SSY are all under-the-age-of-26 and that, but you get the picture. We seem to be heading towards a bad re-run of the late 70s, but this time, the economic crisis is that bit worse and we’re going to see the biggest erosion of the welfare state and attacks on the working class since like um… Thatcher as it happens.
And now, to top it all off, the National Front are back. Allegedly. They’ve been trying for a while to play on the back of discontent with the direction Fuhrer Nick Griffin is taking the BNP (not enough hitler worshiping, too many jews) with some limited success. But, I mean, it’s hardly like we’re about to see a resurgent threat of the far-right marching on our streets, victimising minorities, and taking over OUR chain-pubs though, is it?
OH NO WAIT, we already are - it’s just being done under the, ahem, respectable guise of the English/Scottish Defence League, that’s all.
Now the Scottish section of the NF have announced that they’re having a wee get-together this Saturday, in Glasgow. All five of them, presumably, but it’s good to know that they’ve advertised it on the internet just in case they get a few keen new members. Do the fash never learn? Posting details of yr gatherings on the internet = a silly idea.
Glasgow Anti-Fascist Alliance are mobilising to oppose the National Front. They will be assembling at 12 noon at Borders on Buchanan Street, Saturday 13 February.
Next Saturday, 20th February, is the date of the Scottish Defence League’s planned second outing – this time in Edinburgh.
Edinburgh Anti-Fascist Alliance are calling a counter-demo to confront the SDL, assembling at 9.30am on Princes Street, outside Princes Mall.
There’ll also be some pish Scotland United ‘let’s listen to speeches by boring mainstream politicians about why teh racists are bad ‘ one, but you’re nae missing much with that.
But the SSP are supporting the Scotland United rally in Edinburgh, so it must be okay is the message? The fact the NF are advertising their meeting publicly is a sign of their confidence that the left couldnt hurt them. Theyd just about be right,sadly. Oh im a nasty squaddist.
No, you’re just boring.
Thats the lame terminology trotted out routinely by many in the left, lazily but probably unconsciously apeing Cliff and the SWP when they expelled, by letter the dreaded squaddists while some were in gaol for acquainting violent fascists heads with pavements.
Boring pal? Naw ive been to SSP/SSY socials- thats mogadon.
No it’s just that this discussion is getting cyclical, and it’s not going anywhere. What SSY is doing about fascism in Scotland is clear from every post about it on this site-building broad, open and democratic groups committed to preventing SDL etc. marching by occupying the streets ourselves. I’m sorry if you’d prefer that every article also contained a denunciation of UAF as well, but we think that probably isn’t very productive.
Plus, we’ve clearly not been going to the same socials.
So how did it go last saturday in Glasgow then? I heard that after all the mincing about with mowhawks and dreadlocks and a whole lot of squadist bellyhoo you charged of down the road to a rangers pub then chickened out.
Honest to christ. Do you think that this is the best way to build a ‘broad’ ‘open’ antifascist movement? Get 20 odd hippies and subculture types together for a barry that you chicken out of anyway? Get Serious.
yo mr bob ford, er… what the fuck? i think we took the correct decision in not going down to annie millers.. what would’ve been the point in it?
the decision to mobilise against the NF was made at a Glasgow Anti-Fascist Alliance meeting a week ago – a broad and open group that, you might remember, organised the mass, successful demo against the SDL last November (y’know.. the one that the SWP/UAF vehemently attacked until two days before it then did a spectucular u-turn and decided to hijack it for their own purposes…) – in a democratic fashion (something the UAF/SWP aren’t very familiar with). This was, after all, the first time the NF had held a meeting in glasgow for YEARS and, quite rightly in my opinion, we decided to call a demo to oppose it. However, given the numbers that turned out on the day + the fact they were meeting in aformentioned dodgy rangers pub, it would’ve been foolish to confront them directly.
The notice we had for NF meeting on sat was about 2 days. This was a national meeting for them that they had time to prepare for by contrast. The important thing is to deal with the NF’s planned “memorial” for Kriss Donald next month.
@bob ford-and your brilliant plan is what exactly?
I love the idea that Gafa is THE broad movement you describe. Brilliant. What should we do? for starters lets not bother loitering about near rangers pubs for hours before walking home having made literally zero impact when you could be building for the demo in edinburgh.
oh i’m sorry, have GAFA not been building for the demo in Edinburgh?
What did you do to stop the NF meeting in Glasgow Bob Ford?
Get back under your bridge, troll.