Update: The PDF of the new issue is now available on the Leftfield page, spam it to all your friends!
The wait is over. The new Leftfield ‘zine from SSY is here and ready to go. For now, we’ve got a sneak preview, but check back in a couple of days and we should have a PDF up for download under the Leftfield page of the site.
The new issue is jam packed full of exciting features and articles, including an interview with the director of Palestinian hip hop documentary Slingshot Hip Hop, the launch of our new Sex Drugs & On The Dole campaign, a report from the frontline of the battle against Donald Trump’s golf course plans in Aberdeenshire, film reviews, islamogeddon, the shadowy figure behind the English Defence League, Nick Griffin being creepy, mephedrone, electoral turmoil, positive solutions for a socialist future… AND SO MUCH MORE!!! Get it from SSY members now for a very small sum. Like fifty pence will do.

Oh, leftfield, you are so sexy. Loving the archive issues!