The Tories new advertising campaign.
What the fuck were they thinking? It hardly takes a genius to figure out that an election poster consisting of a) masses of white space b) a heavily airbrushed portrait of the country’s biggest tosser & c) the words ‘I’ll cut’ is just ASKING to be modified. And modified it shall be, and I’m not talking about yr crazy internet phenonemon. Oh no, this is the real thing… so now, after the roaring success that was Leftfield’s Top Fifteen Placards of 2009, we’re very excited to present the… TOP FIVE DAVID CAMERON DEFACED BILLBOARDS IN REAL LIFE!!!111
Award for ingenuity.
Let’s hope so.
Whitechapel Anarchist Group, guilty as charged. video here!

Simple, but effective.

So what’re you waiting for… get out there and join in with this most exciting of new national sports!!!
Vote Labour with massive illusions.
Come join the revolution!!
@fiannanahalba: I don’t think anyone here is proposing that!
Aye but the English left and the Brit left will be.
You guys should try making up your own version for
Some hilarious ones there
Loads more great vandalised billboards for your inspiration here:!/album.php?aid=19061&id=117203521630597