It’s fast approaching the end of the year, which for any self-respecting magazine, newspaper or um, leftie satirical current affairs yoof blog, can only mean one thing… Yep, it’s time to start compiling mundane, identikit and altogether quite predictable lists of the best ‘stuff’ that’s happened over the past 12 months, as if anyone actually gives a fuck about the media’s self-important judgement of um, anything, anymore.
Anyway, in this spirit, we’re happy to present to you Leftfield’s list of the…
Many wonderful, and some less wonderful, things happened this year. And there was plenty to protest about, as we’re about to find out…

The two biggest controversies the US saw this year – healthcare and Beyoncegate - IN ONE AMAZING SIGN!
Ha ha ! Omg, I totally see what they did there!!!
The American Right: hundreds of think-tanks, tens of millions of voters, trillions of dollars, and this was the best they could come up with?
Hmm, I’m not sure. Tanker? Anchor?

There are no wrods to describe how great this is.
It’s funny cause it’s true.
See, it’s people like this guy that give violent anti-Arab fascist-zionist politics a bad name.
If any good came out the Gaza occupation at Glasgow Uni this February, it was undoubtedly this graffiti. Genius.
Difficult one there.

Aww, if you look closely, you’ll see a little ‘zionist’ has been added above the ‘juice’! How thoughtful. Zionist juice.. erm, Zion Bru?
Here was last years winner – links are broken cos its redwatch, http:// www
Get a poll widget up !
My vote goes to the last one, the illiterate USA person, fabulous.
This is totally brilliant. I think I also vote for the maron in the last word-get a dictionary dude. Mind you, at SOAS we once painted ‘studets’ union’ on a banner. Butthat is differnt, right? It’s a massive banner and hard to spell students especially at a distance. Oh, ok, so SOAS may be all funky n stuff but gives us a terrible education!
Anyway, great article. Gonna link it to my blog.
Cheers and happy season and all that
The ‘arms dealer’ probably gets my vote, but they are all inspired. And the pro-Israel one is scary. Excellent idea for reviewing the year!