When I wrote a thing on here a few weeks ago about the English Defence League, the far-right football casual cum ‘we’re not racist we just hate muslims’ group, I made a passing comment that if they ever do come to Scotland, we better be ready for the fight back. I didn’t seriously believe they were about to announce their first demonstration north of the border a couple of days later, though.
Balaclaved Nazis holding a swastica? SHOCK HORROR. Hang on… they’re setting it alight? Cause they’re most definitely NOT RACIST, that’s why. Why they had the fucking swastica in the first place remains unknown. Hmm…
But so they have. From what Leftfield understands, they’ve applied to the council for a route which will, on 14 November, see their demonstration assemble at Clyde Street, then go over the bridge at Gorbals Street to Glasgow Central Mosque . Sorry, did I say demonstration? My mistake. The Scottish Defence League (for that’s what their calling themselves) have made it clear that they are ‘not asking for a parade’ but will ‘walk around on the pavement’.
Walk around on the pavement? Yeah, if that doesn’t show those pesky extremist terrorist muslim bombers to get back to their own country and stop enforcing that sharia law stuff onto us, stealing our women and wearing those burqas, I don’t know WHAT will. And to really emphasise the point about not covering faces, we’re all gonna wear balaclavas, right lads!
Of all the streets the SDL could have chosen to assemble their wee fash protest on, they chose the street with a fucking statue of La Pasionaria. No Pasaran on Clyde St!
It’s still not known whether they’ll actually get permission for their march, sorry, I mean, ’peaceful pavement excursion’, from the council. In Manchester, for instance, they have - for what looks likely to be the EDL’s biggest show of force yet. The intinery goes something like this: meet in Wetherspoons at 12, drink for 5 hours, and then have what I’m sure will be a peaceful pavement-based saunter to Piccadilly Gardens (as ever, the UAF demo will have fucked off by then – they’re holding it 5 hours earlier in the same location). Islamophobia, racism, nazi salutes and muslim-baiting will not be tolerated, the EDL website reassures us. Yeah… right.
Back to Scotland… so they, the SDL/EDL/combat 18/UDF/scum are coming, and whether they get council and police permission or not, they’ll almost certainly show up, whether that’s in Glasgow, or, as the rumour goes, Kilmarnock. Probably not Edinburgh though, where there’s a massive anti-NATO demo going on that day, so at least we can rule that one out..
The newly formed Left Society at Glasgow Uni are calling for mass, militant action to stop the SDL march from going ahead. The far-right must be prevented from taking to our streets. And our pavements.
This week, we’re holding an open meeting with representatives from a number of different student groups and trade unions, to discuss how we can oppose the EDL and organise actions to stop them on the day.
OPEN MEETING —- organising to oppose the Scottish Defence League:
Tuesday 6 October, 7pm, Boyd Orr building: room 412, Glasgow University. ALL WELCOME.
Meeting initally called by Glasgow Uni Left Society – contact leftsociety@gmail.com
Let’s stop them crossing the fucking river! No pasaran!

Nazis marching across a bridge? Made me think of this..
The EDL are only against fundamentalist Muslims. You know, the type who stone women to death and hang gays.
Frankly so am I. I’m surprised you’re not.
Why are the SDL/EDL wanting to march to Glasgow Central Mosque then? Theres no history of extremist preachers etc in that mosque.
The only aim is to harass muslims at a place of worship.
No, the aim is protest about Muslim Extremists in the UK who wish to enslave women, persecute gays, preach inter faith hate and deny freedom of religion to the people of Glasgow.
I would welcome the support of the Glasgow Mosque.
You might welcome it, the SDL certainly don’t.
They’ve applied to march and demonstrate outside the mosque. Its not an extremist mosque, its a bog standard place of worship with no history of terrorism.
You can believe what people say, or what they do.
The SDL are organising a protest against an ordinary Mosque with no history of involvment of terrorism.
The SDL are organising against an ordinary Muslim place of worship.
Comment back when you can reconcile your arguments with reality.
I’ve lived in Glasgow nearly 4 years and experienced a lot of preachers who wish to enslave women, persecute gays, preach inter faith hate and deny freedom of religion to the people of Glasgow….
…none of them were Muslim though.
I’ve never seen a Muslim in Glasgow shouting abuse and harassment at women going to sexual health clinics, or holding up a sign in the street condemning gay people or telling me I’m going to hell for having sex with someone I love without asking permission from god and the state first. Muslims have never knocked on my door and expected to be invited into my home so that they can tell me I’m a sinner.
Maybe the SDL, if they’re such good guys, should focus their protests on a certain other high profile religion… but we all know that they won’t do that, because they only care about persecuting people who look a bit Arab.
I’ve also never had a bunch of Muslims jump up and down on the Number 9 bus saying me and my family should die because we were or are catholics.
To quote Frankie Boyle, Al Qaeda is about 300 years too late bringing religious war to Glasgow.