LEFTFIELD EXCLUSIVE: Secret footage of Tavish Scott (the leader of the Scottish Lib Dems, apparently) giving an inspiring speech at the recent Lib Dem conference in Bournemouth.
Tavish has been whinging and whining about the SNP. Heres what he had to say.
“Over four years, the SNP will have spent £950m on a set of distorted priorities and hand-outs that give more to the rich than to the poor. If you have two children and earn £100,000 then you will have gained £802 per year from the SNP. But if you have two children and you earn £15,000 then you will have gained just six pounds and seven pence. So that’s enough champagne and lobster every night for the rich, but a fish supper for the poor.”
Hmm… sounds suspiciously like common sense. Have you been having a read of SSY’s amazing What Socialists Stand For pamphlet, Tavish? Because I’m sure I’ve heard that before somewhere…
In fact, most of the Lib Dems recent campaigns sound remarkably familiar…
Wouldn’t it be great if the Lib Dems had turned socialist? Unfortunately not though, they’ve still got the politics of a dried out dog turd in the middle of the road.
Apart from the whole sitting on the fence/idea stealing thing, here are some reasons* why the Lib Dems are rubbish:
1. They’re supporting massive cuts in various coalitions with the Tories, Labour and the SNP.
2. They support privatising the postal service.
3. They supported invasion of Afghanistan.
4. They’re going back on their promise to abolish tuition fees.
5. They oppose a referendum on independence – very democratic!
6. They opposed the introduction of minimum wage.
7. They say “Scotland needs devolution not revolution.” Well, considering revolution means ‘a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure’, I don’t think they’re going to achieve very many of the things they claim to care so much about if they aren’t willing to change things. But that’s the key thing about the Lib Dems – they’re still part of the same tired old political system, and they won’t change anything.

*These facts are kindly supplied by Andy Bowden.
There’s a good post on Socialist Unity about the Lib Dems and how they’re rubbish, as well.
Lots more on the Lib Dems, including their support for new anti-union laws, here