![brian_griffin_legalize_pot[1] brian_griffin_legalize_pot[1]](http://socialistleftfield.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/brian_griffin_legalize_pot11.jpg)
The Venezuelan government has attempted to ban Family Guy because they think it promotes Marijuana use. Cable TV stations which don’t stop airing the show will be given hefty fines.
Justice Minister Tareck El Aissami said the programme should be pulled from the airwaves after being outraged by a recent episode in which the show’s characters started a campaign to legalise the drug. You can see the episode in question here.
Venezuela’s radical government has a lot of support amongst socialists, but there’s a lot of controversy about TV. Cable television stations are used as a front to undermine the government and their radical policies, leading to attempts to ban the cable TV companies altogether and set up state-owned TV. It’s a question of priorities – should people or companies with offensive views still have a right to freedom of speech?
(In November last year, a revolutionary Venezuelan band called La Redonda visited Scotland and were keen to meet other young socialists – several SSY members met up with the band to discuss various issues, and the whole meeting was filmed on shown on Avila TV, Venezuela’s radical stated owned TV station.)
Anyway, I’m sure you all know that Leftfield is definitely in favour of freeing the weed and supports Family Guy in the struggle.
If Family Guy should be banned for anything, it should be for its treatment of domestic violence and rape – they make so many ‘jokes’ about violence against women that they’re practically promoting it.
wwaaah what’s with the new layout? old one worked fine i thought! also, it’s no longer displaying the authors by each article..?!
take that back, it looks awesome now!
The venezuelan government really can be total dicks can’t they
I know the SSP Youth just held a Cannabis march in Glasgosw
Would you consider the SSP/SSP Youth organising an event for the 2010 Global Cannabis March on the 1st of May?
D’oh Brain freeze, 1 may is May Day